Join us for a FREE lunch & learn with David Flanagan.
Course Description
This is a free, 1-hour event for engineers who want to learn how to examine and fix broken clusters.
What do you do when your Kubernetes cluster stops working?
As more teams and organizations adopt Kubernetes, more developers and operators are taking on the responsibility of keeping their clusters happy and healthy. While there’s lots of information online for getting started and extending Kubernetes, there’s not a lot that focuses on debugging and handling outages; enter Klustered. In this session, David will live debug some clusters broken by members of the Kubernetes community; showing the methods and techniques to establish which component has a problem, how to determine the root cause, and apply a fix to get the cluster operational. As well as some live debugging, David will share the key methods, tools, and takeaways he has learned fixing over 100 Kubernetes, live on his series: Klustered.
An intermediate understanding of the Go programming language is recommended.
About the Instructor:
David is a Kubernetes contributor, host of the Kubernetes Office Hours live stream, and Rawkode Academy’s education channel on YouTube. For nearly 20 years, David has been developing software professionally where he started with embedded systems written in C back in 2004. Since then he has spent time learning the paradigms of different programming languages, such as C++, PHP, Java, and Haskell. More recently David prefers to program in Go, Rust, and Pony.
As a professional technology magpie, David was an early adopter of cloud, containers, and cloud-native technologies. During his time as the Director of Development for a rock and metal media organization called TeamRock (now LouderSound), David was responsible for the software, infrastructure, and website during its biggest test: the unfortunate death of Lemmy Kilmister. That event created unprecedented traffic to the website, but thanks to David’s desire to experiment and play with new technologies, he and his team had already migrated their virtual-machine-centric infrastructure to Docker containerized workloads running on Amazon Web Services the year prior.