Course Description

Whether you are completely new to Kubernetes or are already dabbling in it, this course will give you a solid understanding of Kubernetes concepts and architecture without skimming on the details. You’ll learn how to deploy, update, scale, and troubleshoot applications on Kubernetes clusters, both on-premises or on-cloud.

Course Outline

  • Kubernetes concepts and architecture
  • Pods and pod controllers: Replica Sets, Deployments, Jobs, Daemon Sets…
  • Exposing pods with services and ingresses
  • Annotations, labels, and selectors
  • Managing logs and troubleshooting common issues
  • Organizing resources with Namespaces
  • Writing, generating, and deploying with YAML manifests
  • Working with local development clusters as well as remote ones
  • Scaling and failover
  • Rolling updates, healthchecks
  • Advanced patterns like blue/green deployments
  • Understanding volumes and using them for data sharing
  • Managing application configuration with ConfigMaps, downward API, and more

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