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Bill has spent 30 years developing software but he became a pioneer using Go in 2013 and has now trained over 30,000 engineers at companies around the world. He also is the author of Go in Action, the Ultimate Go Notebook, and the main contributor to our blog.
Bill offers three core classes in Go, Kubernetes Blockchain and related technologies. Your team will learn best practices and design philosophies that are proven to make engineering teams more productive.
Let's TalkThe Ultimate Go bundle gives you 1-year access to our library of Go courses and any additional content we release.
The Ultimate Go Notebook is the official companion book for the Ardan Labs Ultimate Go class. With this book, you will learn how to write more idiomatic and performant code with a focus on micro-level engineering decisions. This notebook has been designed to provide a reference to everything mentioned in class, as if they were your own personal notes.
Go in Action introduces the Go language, guiding you from inquisitive developer to Go guru. The book begins by introducing the unique features and concepts of Go. Then, you'll get hands-on experience writing real-world applications including websites and network servers, as well as techniques to manipulate and convert data at speeds that will make your friends jealous.
This podcast features intimate conversations with engineers who are in the forefront of building or teaching technology. Join us as we learn how our guests got started in tech, the type and level of education they've obtained, their work history, and personal stories about their journey. We publish the show on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and the Web biweekly on Wednesdays at 12pm US Eastern Time.
Check out our interview with O'Reilly Media at Velocity Conf 2019! Kathleen gets the scoop on how we've been able to become a leader in the Go community.
Let's TalkBill has been writing Go code since the early days of the langauge and has now trained over 30,000 engineers across the world. We've seen a lot of different codebases over the past 10 years and have learned what works and what doesn't when it comes to writing quality Go code.
Let's TalkReach out and let us know what you are interested in.