
Welcome to Episode 2 of the Fearless Concurrency in Rust series! In this episode, Herbert Wolverson dives into the fundamentals of threading in Rust, demonstrating how to use Rust’s threading capabilities effectively while maintaining safety. The focus is on using std::thread to spawn threads, preventing data races, and ensuring efficient, reliable multithreaded execution.

  • Creating Threads in Rust: How to spawn and manage operating system threads using std::thread::spawn.

  • Handling Data Races: Rust’s borrow checker and ownership system preventing unsafe data access across threads.

  • Using Join Handles for Results: Efficiently returning values from threads with join handles.

Herbert begins by introducing Rust’s std::thread, the most basic interface for working with threads in Rust, and shows how it mirrors the operating system’s native thread system. The first example involves creating a simple “Hello World” program with threads, where he explains how to use thread::spawn to create a new thread and the importance of joining threads to ensure they complete before the main program exits. By covering how Rust’s threading system works at a basic level, Herbert makes it clear that while threading itself is an old idea, Rust’s modern approach brings added safety. The example lays the foundation for understanding the lifecycle of threads in Rust, including how join handles ensure that the spawned threads complete their work before the program continues. He also discusses the trade-offs of using std::thread, explaining that while it is the most straightforward way to create threads, it does not include advanced features like thread priority or CPU affinity in the standard library because these features are platform-specific.

As the episode progresses, Herbert addresses the challenges of shared data between threads, which can lead to data races in other languages. He demonstrates Rust’s unique advantage with its ownership and borrowing rules, ensuring that shared data can only be accessed safely. Through practical examples, Herbert shows how the compiler’s borrow checker prevents potential data races by enforcing strict rules—only allowing multiple immutable references or a single mutable reference to any given piece of data at a time. He further explores the use of atomics for safely modifying shared state across threads without violating these rules. Herbert emphasizes that while Rust’s safety checks prevent race conditions, they can sometimes lead to confusing compiler errors, which he explains in detail. He also introduces the use of static variables for ensuring that data outlives all threads and explains how to effectively utilize join handles to collect and combine the results from multiple threads. By the end of the episode, Herbert provides viewers with a deep understanding of Rust’s threading system and the strategies needed to build safe and efficient concurrent programs.

Things you will learn in this video:

  • Learn how to create and manage threads using std::thread::spawn in Rust.

  • Discover how Rust’s ownership and borrow checker systems prevent data races and ensure safe concurrent programming.

  • Understand how to use join handles to retrieve results from threads and ensure proper thread execution completion.


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