
Welcome to Episode 4 of our Intro to Generative AI series! In this episode, Daniel dives into the essential technique of prompt engineering, focusing on creating dynamic and interactive prompts to enhance the capabilities of AI models.

  • Prompt Templating: Techniques for creating and using dynamic prompt templates to enhance AI interactions.
  • Context Management: Strategies for integrating and switching between multiple contexts in AI applications.
  • Interactive Systems: Building AI systems that respond to user inputs in real-time, using terminal input loops and command-line arguments.

Daniel starts by highlighting the limitations of hard-coded prompts and the need for more dynamic systems in AI applications. He introduces the concept of prompt templating, which allows for flexible and context-aware interactions. Prompt templating involves creating a structure where specific contexts and user questions can be dynamically inserted into predefined templates. This approach ensures the model responds appropriately and consistently based on the provided context. Daniel emphasizes the importance of this technique by demonstrating how to build a customer support bot that leverages prompt templates to answer user inquiries based on company policies or previously successful responses.

Moving forward, Daniel showcases how to implement prompt templates in real-world applications. He uses a case study from Capital One, explaining how to read context from a text file and integrate it into the prompt template. By providing the context, such as a detailed description of an additional API endpoint added in mid-2016, Daniel illustrates how the AI can generate accurate and contextually relevant answers. He demonstrates this by asking the model specific questions about the case study, showing how the model responds correctly by pulling information from the provided context. This method highlights the efficiency and accuracy that prompt templating brings to AI interactions.

Additionally, Daniel explains how to handle multiple contexts within the same application, such as switching between different datasets or documents. He shows how to provide different files as command-line arguments and set up a loop to get input from the terminal, making the AI system interactive and capable of answering questions on the fly. For instance, he switches from the Capital One case study to an article about CPU caches, asking relevant questions to each context and receiving accurate responses. This flexibility is crucial for developing AI systems that need to handle a variety of user inputs and contexts seamlessly.

Through detailed examples and practical insights, Daniel equips developers with the knowledge to leverage prompt engineering effectively. By managing and updating prompt templates dynamically, developers can create more responsive and intelligent AI systems capable of handling a wide range of user inputs and contexts. This episode provides a comprehensive guide to implementing prompt engineering, ensuring that AI interactions are both efficient and contextually accurate.

Things you will learn in this video:

  • Dynamic Prompt Templating: Implement flexible, context-aware interactions in AI applications.
  • Handling Multiple Contexts: Manage and switch between different datasets seamlessly.
  • Interactive AI Systems: Set up loops for real-time, responsive AI interactions.


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