The Question
When you work on data science problems, you always start with a question you’re trying to answer. This question will affect the data you pick, your exploration process, and how you interpret the results.
The question for this article is: How much (in percentage) should you tip your taxi driver?
To answer the question, we’ll use a portion of the NYC Taxi dataset. The data file we’ll be using is taxi-01-2020-sample.csv.bz2
Note: CSV is a horrible, horrible format. There’s no standard, no schema and everything is unmarshalled to text (unlike JSON where you have types). If you can, pick another format. My preferred data storage format is SQLite.
Exploration Code
We’re searching for the answer to our question, we’ll be focused on productivity. If at some point this code will get to production, go ahead and refactor it.
To simplify working with the input, we’ll pass the input file in the standard input. We’ll have several stages of exploring the data and each will have a corresponding command line switch. In the main
function we have the following line:
r := bzip2.NewReader(os.Stdin)
and then we’ll call each exploration step with r
First Contact
Before you start working with data, it’s important to have a quick look at it to see that it matches your expectations. You should also check that the data fits in memory.
Listing 1: First Look
19 func firstLook(r io.Reader) error {
20 var numLines, numBytes int
21 s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
22 for s.Scan() {
23 if numLines < 5 {
24 fmt.Println(s.Text())
25 }
26 numBytes += len(s.Text())
27 numLines++
28 }
30 if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
31 return err
32 }
34 fmt.Printf("size: %.2fMB\n", float64(numBytes)/1_000_000)
35 fmt.Printf("lines: %d\n", numLines)
36 return nil
37 }
Listing 1 shows the first look on the data. On line 21, we create a bufio.Scanner
to scan line by line. On lines 23-25, we print the first 5 lines from the file. On line 34, we print the file size and on line 35, we print the number of lines.
Listing 2: Running First Look
$ go run taxi.go -first_look < taxi-01-2020-sample.csv.bz2
2,2003-01-01 00:07:17,2003-01-01 14:16:59,1.0,0.0,1.0,N,193,193,2.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
2,2008-12-31 23:35:00,2008-12-31 23:36:53,1.0,0.42,1.0,N,263,263,2.0,3.5,0.5,0.5,0.0,0.0,0.3,7.3,2.5
2,2009-01-01 00:06:19,2009-01-01 00:10:22,1.0,0.85,1.0,N,107,137,2.0,5.0,0.0,0.5,0.0,0.0,0.3,8.3,2.5
2,2009-01-01 00:48:28,2009-01-01 00:57:48,1.0,0.93,1.0,N,100,186,2.0,7.5,0.0,0.5,0.0,0.0,0.3,10.8,2.5
size: 101.68MB
lines: 1000001
Listing 2 shows how to run the first step. We run the program with go run
. In the output we see the first 5 lines and the uncompressed file size and the number of lines.
The file is a CSV file and small enough to fit in memory. To calculate the tip percentage we need only two columns: tip_amount
and total_amount
. If you’re curious about the data schema, see here.
Loading the Data
Once the initial look aligns with your assumptions, you can load the data. We’re going to use
to parse the CSV and gonum to calculate some statistics.
Listing 3: Imports
14 ""
15 ""
16 ""
Listing 3 shows the external imports in our code. On line 14, we import csvutil
and on lines 15-16, we import floats
and stat
from gonum
Listing 4: Load Data
62 type Row struct {
63 Tip float64 `csv:"tip_amount"`
64 Total float64 `csv:"total_amount"`
65 }
67 func loadData(r io.Reader) ([]float64, []float64, error) {
68 var tip, total []float64
69 dec, err := csvutil.NewDecoder(csv.NewReader(r))
70 if err != nil {
71 return nil, nil, err
72 }
74 for {
75 var row Row
76 err := dec.Decode(&row)
78 if err == io.EOF {
79 break
80 }
82 if err != nil {
83 return nil, nil, err
84 }
86 tip = append(tip, row.Tip)
87 total = append(total, row.Total)
88 }
90 return tip, total, nil
91 }
Listing 4 shows how we load the data. On lines 62-65, we define a Row
struct with the fields that interest us. On line 68, we define the tip
and amount
slices to hold the values from the tip_amount
and total_amount
fields in the CSV. On lines 74-88, we run a for
loop to upload the data and finally on line 90, we return the data.
Listing 5: Statistics
39 func statistics(r io.Reader) error {
40 tip, total, err := loadData(r)
41 if err != nil {
42 return err
43 }
45 fmt.Printf(
46 "tip: min=%.2f, mean=%.2f, max=%.2f\n",
47 floats.Min(tip),
48 stat.Mean(tip, nil),
49 floats.Max(tip),
50 )
52 fmt.Printf(
53 "total: min=%.2f, mean=%.2f, max=%.2f\n",
54 floats.Min(total),
55 stat.Mean(total, nil),
56 floats.Max(total),
57 )
59 return nil
60 }
Listing 5 shows the statistics
step of our data exploration. On line 40, we load the date. On lines 45-50, we print the minimal, mean (average) and maximal values for the tip. On lines 52-57, we do the same for the total.
Listing 6: Running Statistics
$ go run taxi.go -stats < taxi-01-2020-sample.csv.bz2
tip: min=-11.80, mean=2.21, max=333.50
total: min=-333.30, mean=18.47, max=4268.30
Listing 6 shows how to run the statistics step. We can see there are some bad values. Both minimum values are negative and the maximal value for the total amount is more than $4,000.
In any real life dataset you will have bad values, and you need to decide what to do with them. We’re going to take the easy approach and ignore them. We will filter out negative values. Also, since we’re not planning on taxi rides that cost more than $100, we’ll filter out rows with total_amount
bigger than 100.
Listing 7: Load Filtered Data
114 func loadDataFiltered(r io.Reader) ([]float64, []float64, error) {
115 var tip, total []float64
116 dec, err := csvutil.NewDecoder(csv.NewReader(r))
117 if err != nil {
118 return nil, nil, err
119 }
121 for {
122 var row Row
124 err := dec.Decode(&row)
125 if err == io.EOF {
126 break
127 }
129 if err != nil {
130 return nil, nil, err
131 }
133 if row.Total <= 0 || row.Tip <= 0 || row.Total > 100 {
134 continue
135 }
137 tip = append(tip, row.Tip)
138 total = append(total, row.Total)
139 }
141 return tip, total, nil
142 }
Listing 7 shows loading of filtered data. The only difference from loadData
are lines 133-135 where we filter out rows.
Now we can calculate the tip we want to pay. We’d like to be on the generous side so we’ll use the 75% quantile value. The 75% quantile (or percentile) is a number that 75% of the values are below it.
Listing 8: Desired Tip
93 func desiredTip(r io.Reader) error {
94 tip, total, err := loadDataFiltered(r)
95 if err != nil {
96 return err
97 }
99 fmt.Printf("%d filtered values\n", len(tip))
101 pct := make([]float64, len(tip))
102 for i, t := range tip {
103 pct[i] = t / (total[i] - t)
104 }
106 // stat.Quantile required sorted values
107 sort.Float64s(pct)
108 q := 0.75
109 val := stat.Quantile(q, stat.Empirical, pct, nil)
110 fmt.Printf("%.2f quantile tip: %.2f\n", q, val)
111 return nil
112 }
Listing 8 shows the desiredTip
function. On line 94, we load the filtered data. On line 99, we print how many filtered values we have to check so we don’t filter out too many rows. On lines 101-104, we create a slice of percentages. Finally on lines 107-110, we calculate the 75% percentile and on line 107, we print it.
Listing 9: Running Desired Tip
$ go run taxi.go -tip < taxi-01-2020-sample.csv.bz2
716422 filtered values
0.75 quantile tip: 0.20
Listing 9 shows the tip
step output. We see we filtered out about 30% of the rows. And finally, we see that the 75% quantile is 20%.
But wait! Maybe we should tip more on the weekend? Let’s have a look:
Listing 10: Loading Data With Time
145 func unmarshalTime(data []byte, t *time.Time) error {
146 var err error
147 *t, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", string(data))
148 return err
149 }
151 type TimeRow struct {
152 Tip float64 `csv:"tip_amount"`
153 Total float64 `csv:"total_amount"`
154 Time time.Time `csv:"tpep_pickup_datetime"`
155 }
157 func loadDataWithTime(r io.Reader) ([]time.Time, []float64, []float64, error) {
158 var tip, total []float64
159 var times []time.Time
160 dec, err := csvutil.NewDecoder(csv.NewReader(r))
161 dec.Register(unmarshalTime)
162 if err != nil {
163 return nil, nil, nil, err
164 }
166 for {
167 var row TimeRow
169 err := dec.Decode(&row)
170 if err == io.EOF {
171 break
172 }
174 if err != nil {
175 return nil, nil, nil, err
176 }
178 if row.Total <= 0 || row.Tip <= 0 || row.Total > 100 {
179 continue
180 }
182 tip = append(tip, row.Tip)
183 total = append(total, row.Total)
184 times = append(times, row.Time)
185 }
187 return times, tip, total, nil
188 }
Listing 10 shows how to load the data with time. On lines 145-149, we write an unmarshalTime
function to parse time from a []byte
. On lines 151-155, we define TimeRow
which is a row that contains a Time
field. On line 159, we define the times
slice and on line 160, we register unmarshalTime
to handle time.Time
fields. Finally on line 187, we return the times, tip and total.
Listing 11: Tip by Weekday
190 func weekdayTip(r io.Reader) error {
191 times, tip, total, err := loadDataWithTime(r)
192 if err != nil {
193 return err
194 }
196 pct := make(map[time.Weekday][]float64)
197 for i, t := range tip {
198 wday := times[i].Weekday()
199 p := t / (total[i] - t)
200 pct[wday] = append(pct[wday], p)
201 }
203 for wday := time.Sunday; wday < time.Saturday; wday += 1 {
204 // stat.Quantile required sorted values
205 p := pct[wday]
206 sort.Float64s(p)
207 q := 0.75
208 val := stat.Quantile(q, stat.Empirical, p, nil)
209 fmt.Printf("%-10s: %.2f quantile tip: %.2f (%6d samples)\n", wday, q, val, len(p))
210 }
212 return nil
213 }
Listing 11 shows the “tip by weekday” calculation. On line 196, we use a map to hold percentages per weekday. On lines 197 to 201, we populate the percentages for each week day, this is the equivalent of a “GROUP BY” operation in a database. On lines 203-209, we go over each weekday, calculate the .75 quantile and print it out.
On line 209, we use the -10s%
verb to have all weekdays take at least 10 characters and aligned to the line. This might seem like a trivial detail, but aligned output is much easier to compare for us humans - as you can see in the output below. We also align the number of samples for the same reason.
Listing 12: Running Weekday Tip
$ go run taxi.go -daily < taxi-01-2020-sample.csv.bz2
Sunday : 0.75 quantile tip: 0.20 ( 77942 samples)
Monday : 0.75 quantile tip: 0.20 ( 82561 samples)
Tuesday : 0.75 quantile tip: 0.20 ( 97634 samples)
Wednesday : 0.75 quantile tip: 0.20 (118497 samples)
Thursday : 0.75 quantile tip: 0.20 (125692 samples)
Friday : 0.75 quantile tip: 0.20 (125743 samples)
Listing 12 shows how to run the daily step. We can see that there’s no difference in the tip percentage over the weekend.
A little curiosity and a little Go will get you pretty far in your data science journey. You don’t have to use deep learning, decision trees, support vector machines and other algorithms to get useful answers.
How are you using Go for data science? I’d love to hear, ping me at