Check out my new installtion document:
I removed the sections about gocode and GDB. These are not necessary any longer. I also added links for more editors.
This is a great post by Wade Wegner for installing Go on your Windows Machine:
Mac OS X
The following instructions will guide you through installing Go on your Mac.
Step 1: Download Go
Open your favorite browser and go to the following website:![Screen Shot](../../../images/goinggo/Screen+Shot+2015-08-29+at+8.57.08+PM.png)
This will show you all the latest builds for the different operating systems. Darwin is the name for the Mac OS. Download the installer package for your OS version and architecture.
Once downloaded go to your Downloads folder in Finder and double click on the pkg file to start the installation. The installation will put Go in
/usr/local/go. Once the installation is complete you will want to check the installation.
Note: Moving forward we will be using both Terminal and Finder. It helps to be able to see all the files in Finder. Finder by default will not show you everything that is on your hard drive.
To show all files in Finder:Open a Terminal session. If you don't know where the Terminal program is go to your Applications folder in Finder and then Utilities. Click on Terminal and a bash shell command window will open.
Execute the following commands in Terminal.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
killall Finder will reload the Finder program and now you can see all the files.
Step 2: Check Installation
Open a Terminal session and type the following command
go version
You should see the following if everything installed correctly
go version go1.5 darwin/amd64
Now type the
which command to verify the installation is in
/usr/local/gowhich go
You should see that Go can be found in
Step 3: Set Your GOPATH
You need a single place to store and work on your Go projects. Create a folder called projects from inside your home folder:
cd $HOME
mkdir projects
cd projects
mkdir src
mkdir bin
Now set projects as your GOPATH. Open the .bash_profile file from the $HOME folder and add the following items to the end.
nano .bash_profile
export GOPATH="$HOME/projects"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Then exit the Terminal App and open a new Terminal App. Check that the Go environment now has your new GOPATH.
go env
You should see all the Go related environment variables including GOPATH. Here are some of them:
Step 4: Get, Build and Install Basic Packages
These are Go packages you may want:
// gocode is used by many editors to provide intellisense
go get
// goimports is something you should run when saving code to fill in import paths
go get
// gorename is used by many editors to provide identifier rename support
go get
// oracle is a tool that help with code navigation and search
go get
// golint should be run after every build to check your code
go get
Step 5: Debugger
Using GDB is really not an option. If you would like to experiment with Delve, here is a link: